(717) 218-4802 Call or Text Message
(717) 218-4802 Call or Text Message
You may have questions about the services and want to meet me to see if we are a good fit together. I am happy to give you 20 minutes by phone, Zoom or FaceTime. Please contact me by phone or text message to set up your free consultation. 717-218-4802.
Brennan Healing Science/Reiki
These sessions generally combine energy work and counseling. It depends on your needs and desire at the moment. You may choose to relax and receive energy work. Most often we work together as you tell me your presenting issues. We address them emotionally and energetically. You are an active participant in the process. This process empowers you and gives you tools to expand self awareness, shift energy and patterns for healing emotionally and physically.
All sessions are offered in person, phone or Zoom.
To schedule an appointment you may text or call 717-218-4802. I offer a free 20 minute phone appointment if you have questions or want to see if this is a good fit for you.
Many people have heard of Reiki energy healing. I received my Master level Reiki attunement and then went on to learn Brennan Healing Science which is a four year + program in the science of energy healing. You may learn more about BBSH if you visit www.barbarabrennan.com
Check out Barbara Brennan's books. Here are my associate links. I earn a small commission on your purchase.
Hands of Light https://amzn.to/3Um7sYk
Light Emerging https://amzn.to/4f8SKfq
Core Light Healing https://amzn.to/4
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was developed by Dolores Cannon. This method of healing hypnosis is required to be done in person. It is an in-depth session and averages 4-5 hours. We spend time talking about your life experiences and what you hope to gain from your session. I ask that you bring a list of questions to ask your Higher Self during the hypnosis session. Bring a second list with any health challenges or symptoms you are experiencing. The hypnosis portion averages 2 hours.
This hypnosis technique follows a similar format to the QHHT session but I use a different induction method. In either of these sessions we are working with your Higher Self. I ask that you go to a time and place that has information that you need. You may experience several past lives, or see a different time in your current life or other dimensions. You may go directly to a healing place where we start conversing with your Higher Self. We trust your session is unfolding perfectly for you.
These sessions work well over Zoom. You need a quiet space where you won't be interrupted and good internet service. The hypnosis portion of all these sessions is recorded for your benefit.
Dolores Cannon wrote many books based on the information that came through in the hypnosis sessions she conducted. Here are a few with my associate links.
Five Lives Remembered https://amzn.to/4e14hvZ
Between Death & Life https://amzn.to/48kaiD1
The Convoluted Universe https://amzn.to/4ffOmer
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
3 Month Commitment. Appointments may be in person or remote. All together you receive 1 hypnosis session and 8 Brennan Integrated Healing sessions. Call or text 717-218-4802.
First Month: You receive four 1 hour sessions. This is intensive body, mind, energy centered healing. This will truly prepare you for your hypnosis session. It will assist you in getting clear and ready for the next step. What comes up may surprise you! We can start anytime so they may straddle 2 months.
Second Month: You can choose a QHHT or Inner Wisdom Healing Hypnosis session.
Third Month: You receive four 1 hour sessions of intensive body, mind, energy centered healing to assist you in integrating what you received during the hypnosis session and/or the next step you are ready for. These are weekly sessions. Again it may straddle two months depending on our schedule.
Weekly commitment
8 One hour counseling/healing sessions scheduled weekly of focused mind, body, energy sessions. These may be in person or remote via Zoom, FaceTime or phone.
The best way to reach me is by text or call 717-218-4802. Make a commitment to yourself. Be the change you wish to see in the world. susan@innerwisdomhealingarts.org
A powerful process to assist you in reclaiming your essence and allow your light to shine in the world. It works wonderfully with hypnosis.
Hypnosis is an expanded state of consciousness.
Schedule your session!
This system was developed by Delores Cannon. It incorporates past life regression and energy healing.
Inner Wisdom Healing Arts
Inner Wisdom Healing Arts at Belvedere Professional Center-850 Walnut Bottom Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 US
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My area is expecting about 5" of snow on Saturaday. A good day to stay home. Schedule a Zoom session for Saturday, February 8 and receive 20% off.
717-218-4802 Call or text Susan
Please leave a message if you call.